пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dash pad covers

I just got back from a good 30 minute talk with Ethanapos;s guidance counselor. She sat in on our Parent-Teacher conference on Tuesday night, and wanted to talk to us a little bit more (I mentioned that I was planning to talk to her anyway). I went by myself because my brother couldnapos;t watch the kids, so Evan had to stay home with them. It was an exhausting meeting.

We started off talking about what Ethanapos;s teacher reported, that she had caught him biting himself hard enough to leave marks, and when she confronted him about it he said that he does it all the time. This could be an innocent habit, or it could be the beginning of self-harming behavior.

I told her that Iapos;m particularly concerned about this because of my history.

I mentioned a conversation Ethan and I had a few mornings ago where he asked me if you can get arrested for trying to kill yourself. She was genuinely concerned. I told her that I started my suicidal thoughts in 4th grade. She was surprised, but said that she has had some parents pick their kids up from her office and take them directly to Childrenapos;s Hospital.

I told her I wish my mother had done just that.

She mentioned Ethanapos;s meltdowns (crying fits) and I told her that we see the same things at home, and that weapos;re trying to convince him that most things arenapos;t really as bad as he feels them to be. She said thatapos;s a good way to explain it.

I told her that I just got "better" in the last two years or so, and that I donapos;t know what kind of affect the rough times had on him in his "developmental years." She said that itapos;s amazing the things that children can remember from even before theyapos;re capable of talking.

She told me that if she had heart disease she would get her kids checked out early, perhaps before they even started showing any symptoms, just to err on the side of caution... And Ethan is showing symptoms.

All in all, she gave me the names of a few psychologists and counselors that other families in the school have had good luck with. She was very persuasive and convinced me that itapos;s not worth the risk.

Evan isnapos;t convinced, and thinks that heapos;s just fine... I almost think it wouldapos;ve been better if she had been able to convince him, but I also think that Evan wouldapos;ve downplayed my history a bit and she wouldnapos;t have understood the kind of family history/background that Ethan is coming from. Fortunately, I have Evan convinced that itapos;s worth getting him looked over, if only for my peace of mind.

Wish us luck. For those of you whoapos;ve met Ethan (and those of you whoapos;ve heard about him), what do you think?

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